Oct 31, 2005

Tales of the Somewhat Strange and Creepy....

yup..another day of having absolutely nothing to do and that's why I'm posting like a mad man...anywho...I remember watching a story on "That's Incredible" when I was little tyke about a haunted Toys R Us in the San Jose area..toys would mysteriously move around, faucets in the bathroom would turn on by themselves, haunting voices could be heard over the intercom system and dolls that weren't supposed to talk FREAKIN TALKED!!!..well, my family would travel down to San Jose every so often to visit relatives in the area and on every trip, my dad would threaten to take me to the Toys R Us down there..way to fauck with a little kid dad....

Ghosts 'R Us
This infra-red photo clearly shows the employees attending the seance sitting alongthe sides of the isle, with a few near Sylvia (the bright one, foreground right) at the front of the isle. Leaning against a non-existent wall on the left is the distinctfigure of a young man with dark hair, dark coat and possibly holding a hat.The figure even appears to cast a shadow on the boxes of toys to the leftas well as a faint reflection in the waxed floor tile
click the photo to read the full story

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