Nov 14, 2005

Pic of the Day..."Girls with Glasses are DAMN sexay"..Edition

Rachel Leigh Cook is HOT...with or without glasses...but I prefer the glasses...just something about it...and how come nobody noticed that she was damn sexy in that movie "She's All That" until they gave her a "makeover"...and that makeover basically consisted of taking off her freakin glasses...whoa!! that REALLY changed her look...what is she?...Clark Kent or something?...anyway..enough with the blah-blah....and so I give to you:

um...I'd like to officially add her to the "Langdon Alger Future Wife Files".....thank you

1 comment:

Tsuji Eriku said...

I agree. Freddie Prinze ...I mean Rachel Leigh Cook was hot in "She's All That".