Nov 6, 2005

Pic Of the Day..."I Just Died in Your Arms.." Edition...

Any of you catch "I Love The 80s 3-D" on VH-1?... one of the episodes had a little segment on that song "(I Just) Died In Your Arms" by one-hit wonders Cutting Crew...well, I've never been up on my Shakespeare but apparently the term "died in your arms" is a Shakespearean phrase that stands for achieving sexual climax..Now, I don't know how true that is but I sure like to die in the arms of this cutey below.....and so I give to you:


This half-filipina and half-puerto rican beauty isn't really famous for anything...yet...but I thought I should share nonetheless..


Son of Gigan said...

DUDE! I was just gonna email you about this chick! How ironic. Wait, that's not ironic...

Son of Gigan said...

Oh yeah, she has a twin sister named Dawn I believe. So if we ever run into the both of them, the numbers line up perfectly: two girls for me while you drive.

Langdon Alger said...

you think Terrence?... I just don't see the resemblence?