Dec 15, 2005

Jingle Something

Hey A-Team, I have a problem no one can help me with. This group seems like the one to go to with its affinity for X-mas songs, ranging from childhood classics to will-be-busted-in-future-bathroom-gay. A few weeks ago B & I were @ Red Robin. They were playing X-mas music overhead & one song came on that we haven't heard in years. As much as B was able to sing along with it, she didn't know the title of the song or who sang it. I've been going moderately nuts trying to figure out the title and/or who sang it. I hope I can re-enact Married With Children where Al found his song after having just "Hmm Hmm Him" to go on.

It's not one of those classic songs. It's a woman singing, and the song sounds like it could've come out between the Solid Gold era to the same time that Wham's contemporary Xmas classic came out. The hook goes something like "I can be your jingle baby & you can be my jingle boy. Put me under your Xmas tree & I'll be your favorite toy." I don't think it's either of 'em, but the singer is along the lines of Jody Watley or Karyn White. That kind of vibe. If it sounds familiar, let me know so that I can beat B to the fact. Thanks, gang.


Freefall Jones said...

Sorry man -- you lost me because I started busting up as soon as I read "hmm hmm...him."

Son of Gigan said...

"I can be your jingle baby & you can be my jingle boy. Put me under your Xmas tree & I'll be your favorite toy?" Hmmmm....I know Bing Crosby when I hear him.

Langdon Alger said...

unless I see you do that Al Bundy dance while humming the hook, I can't help you.

Anonymous said...

They used to play it on the rotation at Old Navy back in like 1997. I totally remember that song.

After the part already on there I think it goes..."don't need to wind me up or shake me got no batteries up my sleeve one sweet kiss and I'll go like this right on through new years eve."

That song had the funniest intro.

Anonymous said...

Jingle Baby is by Stephanie Mills