Feb 27, 2006

Did someone say F-Pop?!? Diana Zubiri edition

I ran into this beauty at SFO in the international terminal. I noticed her from afar and thought to myself, gee this fob's kinda cute. After seeing her go through security and lace up her camouflage Chuck Taylor's I thought, gee this fob is hella stacked! I gave my usual greeting, "Hey, how ya doin'... can you slide down? There are other people waiting for their stuff!" Right after she left, a co-worker tells me that she's an actress in the Philippines. I tell him to go ask for her autograph, but he declines.

So when I get home, I do a quick google search and find a few pics from movies and promotional pieces. I ask my friend's wife if she's heard of her, and she says Diana does PRAWN. What!?!? No flippin' way! My homeboy confirmed that she does "Bold Movies" which are described as "films that have adult content or sexual scenes. These films are condemned for their indecency and immorality yet patronized for saving the industry because of their ability to draw audiences." So, it's basically like late night Skinemax (Cinemax).

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