Apr 9, 2006

Pic of the Day...."For the Love of God..Just STOP...Edition...

stumbled upon this pic while browsing the Mognet Translation Group website...they have a great gallery dedicated to awful cosplay and well....this one definitely rates high on the reeeeeally bad scale... seriously...don't try to dress up like Morning Musume if your weight is equal too or greater than the combined weight of ALL Morning Musume members....ouch...was that too mean?....

looks like these girls have been eating more than just fruit..
but...I think THIS maybe worse...


The Amagi Walker said...

WTF...<(o0)>That's gross!

Anonymous said...

It's plain and simple, many/most American cosplayers are gross. G-R-O-S-S! >_<

Anonymous said...

So from the link, they're not American? correction people that look like that shouldn't cosplay people like Morning Musume. (although not in reference to the post, the previous comment stands :P)

Langdon Alger said...

yeah..I think they got confused cuz instead of performing Momomsu's "The Manpower"...they sang "Hungry-Manpower"...

Langdon Alger said...

foreals right?..taking the momosu fandom too far..otaku scum indeed...oh and FYI...I got a call from the tailor..our Gatas Brilhantes HP jersey's are ready...