Apr 21, 2006

Pic of the Day..."Makoto Love...." Edition...

not sure why this girl ranks towards the bottom of the list when it comes to favorite Morning Musume members..then again, I don't understand how anyone can think Konno is hot...to each his own I guess...but I think Mako-chan has talent, talent I say!!...cute too....very underrated this girl is..and so for any of the Makoto fans out there...I give to you...


here's a "young" Makoto pic

AND here's a pic of Makoto and Reina


Tsuji Eriku said...

I'll put Makoto on a little regiment of teriyaki chicken & treadmills, she'll be ready to be a first string player in no time. Konno however will forever be doomed on my team to ride the pine. Makoto, Risa & Konno have always been my least favorites, add in Koharu to that now...they should break off in to a group that nobody will care about. Risa is looking a bit flyer now but she's got a long ass neck & I hate that stupid look on her grill like she's always asking "eh?" when someone says something to her.

Tsuji Eriku said...

I'm such a jerk. I look back on all my comments & I'm such a negative prick all the time. All the above mentioned breezies will always have a hello pro pass in my book alright.....

Langdon Alger said...

a negative prick?..you?...no....

The Amagi Walker said...

quite contrary. you are quite the gentleman.