Jun 18, 2009


I don't know why SoG hasn't posted this yet but this IS badass on the grandest scale!!..A full size 1/1 scale Gundam that they erected in Odaiba. faucking amazing and it moves too!!..well, just the head but the eyes light up and it shoots steam out its ass and other parts of the body..the plan for right now is to keep the Gundam up only until August(wtf? all that work and only have it up for a couple months?) but fans have started I petition to keep the sumbitch up permanently


Freefall Jones said...

But you can't really pilot it. LAZY.

Son of Gigan said...

Truly BADASS. But if that thing becomes self-aware we are FUCKED.

Beemer said...

Amuro will pilot it.
If only it can pull out that beam sabre and start wrecking shits.

Craig said...
