Oct 10, 2005

All But Over

The ongoing B&C story is fast nearing its end. Going straight to the point, this past weekend ended with B as my girlfriend. She's been calling friends with the news, esp. the ones whom she informed of her intentions on Friday. I've been telling people as I've talked to them, and this posting fits my update-through-routine-contact guideline.

The story isn't over until one more thing is covered: C hasn't been informed yet. We decided that B would be the one to tell her since C's reaction would be more honest if B tells her. Considering that B is making the rounds telling their mutual friends, it wouldn't seem like a move of questionable motive. As discussed w/ LA before, someone will probably wind up getting hurt or disappointed when this thing is done. It just sux that one who's already in a relationship can possibly be negative about 2 friends hooking up. It's alright. What's done is done.

It's been interesting writing this out. Thanks for reading (and listening, Insiders). Thanks for the comments (You kill me, FJ). As happy as I am with the new developments, I promise not to make every entry from here on out "B this B that". We'll probably settle into a mostly non-blogworthy routine, which should let me concentrate on more random & objective blogs.

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