Dec 5, 2005

Forgotten Repeat

Today I busted out the ol' Anchorman soundtrack. It wasn't until the drive home that I heard Track 14: Afternoon Delight by Ron Burgundy & The Channel 4 News Team. I forgot how badass that song is. I ended up playing it from Pittsburg through my Hercules stopover all the way home to the 'meda. It was nice to see I didn't forgot the lyrics....would anyone? I know some of ya'll share my appreciation for "The Greatest Composition In Human History"....and yes if you disagree...I will fight you. That's no lie.

The Golden State Warriors sit alone atop the Pacific Division. You know luck & momentum are on their side when Adonal Foyle has more than one double-double within a week. I'm just waiting for the bandwagon fans to toss their Bryant/Bibby/Nash jerseys to shake the dust off their old Webber Warrior jersey (Thank God for the throwback craze, eh?)....which they bought when it was ok to like them. When TNT only had one of their games on their yearly schedule. That's the shitty thing about having a mid-market team in a decent sized sports market: The more people there are, the more likely the chance you'll be surounded by fans who like the latest good team as opposed to their local hustling teams, like the A's & Warriors (where are the Packers & Cowboys fans now?).

Ok enough with's been awhile since I vented about anything here. The Warriors resurgence allows for just as much bragging as it does front-runner bashing.

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