Oct 24, 2005

Infinite Crisis #1

Holy crap.

The DC Universe is in shambles. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are at odds. The JLA are disbanded and their watchtower on the moon has been destroyed. In outer space, a black hole has opened up and threatens to swallow not only the planets Rann and Thanagar, but also the entire Green Lantern Corps, the L.E.G.I.O.N., the Omega Men, and countless other space heroes and armies. Back on Earth, the world's villains have united to take revenge on having their minds wiped by members of the JLA. The villains show they mean business by wiping out the Freedom Fighters in a brutally violent attack that has Bizarro pounding the shit out of the Human Bomb. Oh, and for some reason there are TWO Lex Luthors.

Best line of the book: (Batman telling Superman) "...the last time you really inspired anyone--was when you were dead."

OOOOH! Snap! Clark needs to grow some balls and bitchslap Bruce back to Gotham.


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