Aug 4, 2006

That's it!!!!! Hikaru's err HikaruFeets "That's Pretty f'n Gay" Video pick

Alright you jerks! Now you know that I'm KF, I'm going to post something that is as farcical as KF and Hikaru combined.

Here's a video that features our good buddies Eriku and Langdon. We haven't made a movie in awhile so we stopped by Indonesia to film this music video. they wanted to film something about their forbidden love and boy it was freakin' gay. pun intended. Check it out.

oh, singing her heart away is none other than the blackorean mistress herself, Crystal Kay.

Crystal Kay-Tears

*Note: Langdon is the one with glasses. Eriku is the one that throws the rock at the can. Look at that determination! Now that's a forbidden love!

Anyways, its all love, until somebody get hurt! hahaha! jya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL forbidden love eh?

That's beautiful man :D.