Feb 7, 2007

Aya gets no love on YODC. And that's not right.

Ueto Aya that is.

Yume no chikara

Ai No Tame ni


xraiz said...

The music needs a little something. Maybe sprinkle a few samples in there...

xraiz said...

Well I wasn't able to get the file for Ai No Tameni but even if I did it probably wasn't going to fit with the Beastie Boys X)

I've got to move on now LOL

Anonymous said...

Nice Tsuji...

The topic says "Aya gets no love on YODC" but since my typing this comment puts me on YODC and since I love this girl more than any woman in the world then the only logical conclusion is that Aya gets an incredible amount of love on YODC.

But that means that the topic is wrong and the mere contradiction brought about by my response will cause it to disappear from the fabric of time and space...

However the moment this topic disappears, my response disappears with it causing the topic to be true again...and theoretically re-appearing as a result.

So my conclusion is that this topic will oscillate between existing and not existing at a frequence equal to the time interval from when it was originally posted until when I made my comment...

but the main thing is that I love you Aya, I love you, I love you and I hope somehow I can reach you...


Anonymous said...

I love Aya Ueto too, but more as an actress than a singer.